Tags: Magazine, Photography, Rule of Thirds.

Magazine Prect (Print & Video) ā€“ knelson5blog (wordpress.com)


I think the typefaces used in the title and paragraphs are: The title appears to have Slab Serif typography, the paragraphs look to have Design typograpy. I think this is because the title has the slant on the top and bottoms of its big letters and the paragraphs have simple letter appearances.

I think what makes the typefaces contrast is that the big letters on the start of each paragraph and the titles have different appearances and slants. I also think that the paragraphs letters have a fairly simple designs.

I think the photographer utilized Rule of Thirds in this photo. The cars in the right side of the freeway are where a couple of intersecting frames would be. The cars on the right are on the top left frame box.

The way I tried to mimick the original photo in the magazine was by making it so a road/sidewalk was in a corner and started from what side of the photo to the other. If they were placed in the magazine, I think they would work because they all still have to do with curved roads from one side.

Conclusion: I think the author of the magazine did a good job of incorporating the Rule of Thirds on the photograph of the cars driving on the freeway since the road curves. The different font designs of the title and paragraphs also shows that Slab Serif and Design typography.

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